Monday 11 November 2013



Just a thought I'd post a little update on what's been happening! I had a really lovely Summer once I finished my last round of Prolotherapy treatments in June/July, may have slightly over done it a little in my enthuasim! I certainly made the most of the warm weather this year, especially as I know that is the time my joints feel at their best. I caught up with my friends, had some BBQ's, went out for a few lunches and I had my birthday at the end of July and I managed to go out for dinner on the evening.

Here I am on my birthday!
I have also been doing well with my jewellery making business. I sell handmade jewellery on Etsy and I hit 100 sales this September which was very exciting!

So as those of you who have read my blog before will know I have had some Prolotherapy previously this year. Since January I've had 6 treatments on my left shoulder as that is the area I have my worst pain. I had 3 lots on the front and 3 on the back. I am happy to report that it has most definitely started to respond and feels much more stable, its been clicking a lot less and I feel like the spots where I have had the injections feel a little less painful. However I do still have a great deal of pain around that shoulder and am keen to continue Prolotherapy in the hope that it will continue to improve - ideally all over body.
Unfortunately however I will not be having anymore with my current practitioner. In a nutshell he is being very difficult about treating me as a 'hypermobility syndrome' patient, it's been like crawling up a very steep hill trying to get the treatments I've had so far from him and at the last (rather frustrating) consultation it seemed like that was the best I was going to get! That coupled with some very negative consultations and some unnecessarily rude comments made me decide it was time to look for someone else.

I've made an appointment to see a new Prolotherapy practitioner in London, East Sheen this Tuesday (tomorrow) afternoon. I was recommended him by a lovely girl called Becky who contacted me through my blog and is having treatment with him herself. Apparently he treats many other Hypermobility sufferers and believes it is really helpful for us so that's really positive. He sounded really sweet on the phone. The only main downside is the distance as I find travelling really difficult. It could be worse though, should only take us a coupe of hours to get there traffic permitting.

I'm feeling really nervous as by the sounds of it he's willing to do some Prolo in the first consultation if I'm okay for it. I always feel anxious about starting from scratch with someone new again, I'm feeling quite emotionally fatigued from everything this year already! But I'm really determined to keep going with this as I now know it is making a difference to me.
Katie x