Sunday 17 February 2013

Prolotherapy Treatment 2


So I've had my 2nd prolo treatment and I felt that it went a bit better than last time, I knew what to expect so that helped. It still felt pretty much the same pain-wise even with the gas & air, which I started breathing in before he put the anaesthetic in. I was hoping it would be some kind of magic that would take all the pain away! It just made me feel a bit light headed like I'd had a couple of drinks or something. It did however give me something else to focus on, it helped me concentrate on my breathing and I bit down hard on it during the injections! So I will be using it again.

I did find it difficult holding the gas & air tube up to my mouth though as my elbows become extremely painful when they're bent up for long especially if I'm holding something e.g a book. So the nurse who was looking after me held it up for me while I was having the injections done.

I had a couple of days resting like last time and the side effects were similar to last time as well. I think part of the nausea might be due to the extra pain and stiffness in my shoulder. I do often suffer with nausea when my pain is really bad or if I've 'over done it', especially the nearer the pain is to my head e.g neck and shoulder pain makes me feel more sick than the pain in my legs. Again surprisingly minimal bruising and markings on the skin from it which I'm impressed by, I was expecting to be covered!

It takes 12 weeks from the last injection for the full growth process to complete and then I'll have a follow up appointment (for the doctor to see if there are any improvements) and will probably need at least one other block of 3 treatments on my shoulder after that. Its a long old process!

I am taking Arnica tablets to help the healing process, as HMS suffers supposedly don't heal that well/efficiently, and I was recommended them by a friend. Whether or not they actually do help I'll probably never really know for sure but it won't do any harm so I thought I'd give them a go.

So that's 2 treatments down 1 more to go, for the moment! I have my next one this Tuesday morning (19th Feb) and I'll update you again after that.



  1. Hi Katie, I found your blog through the HSA forum. I'm 32 from Vancouver B.C. and have had problems with hypermobility since 2010 (I probably have been hypermobile my whole life, but it didn't become a big problem until then).

    After several frutrating years of chiro, physio, personal trainers, osteopathy, accupunture, massage therapy, etc (no one mentions enough how treatments cost a lot of money - adding to the stress) I found prolo.

    I have tried prolotherapy for my frequent subluxations (partial dislocations) in my SI joints, spine and ribs. I can't reccomend it enough! I have had 1-2 treatments a month since August 2013 with great success. I hope the same happens for you.

    Prior to prolo I was in the chiropractor's office 2-3 times a week with subluxations. At my worst, I felt like my symptoms were similar to fibro.

    Good luck and keep up with the prolo. You may need 1-2 treatments a month for a year or longer, then 1-2 treatments a year for life, but the pain and expense of the prolo is nothing compated to subluxing joints at every turn!

    1. Hi Christine, thank you so much for your message I really appreciate it! It's really encouraging to hear that you've had success with Prolo. So how many injects were you given at a time? From what I've read the UK practitioners are a bit more reserved about the amount of injections they give than other places such as the US and Canada. I don't know if that's a good thing or not! But Prolo isn't considered as an actual treatment for Hypermobility syndrome in the UK at the moment - hopefully that'll change one day. I hope that if it does (fingers crossed!) work my Dr will be willing to try other places such a my back and hips and give me 'top up' injections when I need them. I'm just taking it one step at a time at the moment though, I'm trying not to think too far ahead!

      I have a lot of pain in my ribs too, but it's such a large area you must have had to have lots of injections around them? So has Prolo enabled you to do more things that you couldn't do before because of pain?


  2. I just got my 2nd prolotherapy treatment and was wondering what kind of activity you did during treatment or did you just rest the whole time?

    1. Hi Kimberly, thanks for your comment. I hope you're doing okay with your treatment. I usually need to rest for a good 2-3 days afterwards due to pain (especially as I am now having 5 places down at once!) but I try and keep as mobile as possible and as many of my normal day to day things as I can. I guess it depends where you're having it done and what counts as normal for you? I wouldn't necessarily go lifting weights! Have you been given any advice? Where on your body are you being treated and how are you finding it?
