Tuesday 23 July 2013

Latest Treatment and a Surprise TV Prolo Mention!

Prolo part 2 is now over! The last treatment was quite tough, my shoulder felt really angry for a while and it has taken me some time to get over it but I'm feeling almost back to normal now. He always seems to do a little bit more on the last one I think just to cap it off! I don't have a follow up appointment until September now so that'll take me up to the full 12 weeks of 'healing time'. I'm just going to try to relax and enjoy my summer now free from hosptials! Plus it's my birthday next Tuesday so I have that to look forward to!! 
I'm a big fan of the TV series Pretty Little Liars and when I saw this clip of this weeks episode I was surprised to hear Prolotherapy mentioned! I've never even heard it talked about on TV before let alone on my favourite TV show. I know Prolotherapy is more well known in the US than it is in the UK but it's great that the writers obviously looked into it enough to put it in the show.
For those who don't watch Emily is a swimmer who has injured her shoulder (after almost being run over by -A) and she may need surgery if she still wants a college scholarship and a career in swimming.
Pretty Little Liars - Season 4 Episode 7
It's really exciting to hear it being recognised as a treatment option instead of surgery, maybe a few people will goggle it after hearing about it on the show and fingers crossed it'll raise some more awareness.
Katie xx


  1. Looking forward to hearing what happened next!

  2. Thank you so much for you interest and comment, I have just updated the blog so check out my latest post! x
